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National Weighted Average Carbon Price
This chart shows the weighted average price for emitting one tonne of CO2e by country. In certain countries or regions, there are multiple schemes for pricing emissions. In such cases, each scheme is weighted by the scope it covers compared as a proportion of total national emissions. The colours represent the price level, with orange showing high prices, and light yellow showing low price levels. Countries coloured grey do not price emissions at all.
National Weighted Average Carbon Price by Pricing Scheme
This chart shows the weighted average price for emitting one tonne of CO2e by country, broken down by type of scheme used. It shows where the carbon price is based on a carbon tax, an Emissions trading Scheme or both.
Carbon ETS and Taxes
This table lists all carbon pricing mechanisms globally by country or region, ranked by price in US$ per tonne of CO2e. It also shows scope of global greenhouse gas emissions covered for each country or region. The dotted line shows the weighted average of all these prices which is the price of the Global Aggregate Real carbon Price Index (see technical description [link] for detail. This weighted average does not factor in regions which have no carbon pricing mechanism (and hence a zero carbon price).
Carbon ETS and Taxes (with 2030 target prices)
This table lists all carbon pricing mechanisms globally by country or region, ranked by price in US$ per tonne of CO2e, with reference to the lower and upper bound price targets for 2030 recommended by the High-Level Commission on Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness.